3 Ways for Kind Kids to Support Ukraine

With world events weighing heavy on our minds, people of all ages can do a world of good through meaningful acts of kindness.

There is a lot going on in the world. Some moments feel quite heavy, and I can get lost in those feelings. As an educator, I am observing that young people are also feeling the weight of the world at times, and that is an important thing to acknowledge. 

As I prepared for potential questions that I might receive from students in my class, I discovered these great resources from PBS and APA that support families and educators in talking and processing the war in Ukraine with young people. One of many steps they suggest is to turn to action and find ways to support Ukraine. 

It reminded me of a quote that I love from Mr. Rogers: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” So, I will look for the helpers and try my best to be one, too. And I thought about what Adventures in Kindness’ co-author, Sophia Fox says: “One kind act matters, but many kind acts can change the world.”  

That said, here are some Sophia-inspired activities to support Ukraine. We hope you will find these meaningful activities to partake in as a family or bring into the classroom. I know I’ll be implementing a few in my class this week, as we all process what is occurring a continent away.  

Start a Family or Classroom Giving Jar 

This activity is great to do as a family or as a class.  

1. Find an empty jar—it can be a pickle jar, a peanut butter jar, a Mason jar, or any other jar you have lying around. That’s your Giving Jar.  

2. Identify with your child or students, which organization you would like to support. 

To support Ukraine here are a few suggestions of places to donate: 

  • UNICEF - To supports efforts to address the dual crises of conflict and COVID-19 and protect children in Ukraine 

  • International Rescue Committee - To support in providing food, medical care and emergency support services to families whose lives are shattered by conflict in countries like Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen 

  • Ukrainian Red Cross - To support those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities 

(Global Citizen also has a great list of additional ways to help organizations in need of donations). 

3. Set a timeline- such as a week, or month, and make it a routine to place a few pennies or a few dollars—anything considered spare change— in the jar at the end of each day. At the end of the time period, make a donation to your selected nonprofit, as a group. Every bit helps! 

Ideas to increase the impact:  

  • Ask a few neighbors if they would like to join in on collecting their spare change for the week in support of the organization. Combine your efforts together to form one donation.  

  • If you are doing this activity as a class, ask your school administrators if there is a way to do it as a full school or group! 


Show Your Support 

You may have seen people around the world showing support for Ukraine by sharing the Ukrainian flag, images of sunflowers (Ukraine’s national flower), and even dressing in yellow and blue!  

Join in on showing your support by facilitating this activity in your classroom or with your child: 

  • Create a Poster in Support of Ukraine: Draw a picture that incorporates a sunflower, the Ukrainian flag, or the flag’s colors.  You can even write a message of encouragement on it, such as “Support Ukraine” or “Peace.” Then, hang it in your house window, around your neighborhood, or in your classroom.  

  • Sidewalk Support: Get out your favorite sidewalk chalk and draw messages of support and images of support for Ukraine on the sidewalk in your neighborhood or on the playground.  

Spread Kindness in Your Corner of the World 

Adventures in Kindness’ co-author, Sophia Fox says, “One kind act matters, but many kind acts can change the world.” While we may not always be able to perform a direct random act of kindness for someone in another country, we can spread one in our own community. And you never know the ripple effect that an act of kindness can have. In fact, we like to think it is infectious! With your kid or your class, select a random act of kindness, or a few, that you all can do to brighten up your corner of the world.  

Here are a few suggestions: 

  • Write a letter of encouragement for a friend feeling down 

  • Paint a picture and give it to someone you appreciate 

  • Help a neighbor or community garden weed as they prepare for spring 

  • Volunteer to help at a nonprofit event 

  • Create your own: kind kid activists are great at finding opportunities to spread kindness! 


However you choose to show support, we hope you will join Adventures in Kindness in sending a lot of love to Ukraine and spreading some kindness in their honor. We would love to hear how you and your young people decided to show support! Drop us a line at hello@adventuresinkindness.com or engage with us on Pinterest to tell us how you are brightening up your corner of the world. Thank YOU for being an important helper in this world! 


Be sure to check out the fun Adventures in Kindness book for more resources on cultivating kindness at home and in the classroom. 


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